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How to count blackjack cards

Blackjack card counting is the best strategy there is to win at blackjack.
Learn to play like a pro with the most effective counting system.

Counting cards: The best way to win at blackjack

how to count cards in blackjack

Next, we will explain in detail how you can count blackjack cards. As well as we will also tell you about what are the most used methods by professionals.

Online casino players, specifically blackjack players, should learn about card counting. This system is the best to be able to get an advantage over the dealer.

It is a simple game where several strategies can be used, an advantage that the Texas Holdem Poker .

Blackjack card counting is usually based on mathematical techniques. These resources are used by blackjack players to turn the game in their favor. In addition, such methods can offer the player information about the best way to bet.

You can play online both live blackjack and black jack mobile . However, this counting system is effective only in traditional casinos.

What is blackjack card counting

blackjack card counting

Blackjack card counting is intended to increase the odds of winning. This consists of a set of techniques that players employ to increase their chances in the online blackjack .

These techniques were first known in 1962 in the book Beat the Dealer. It was written by the American physicist and mathematician, Edward O. Thorp.

Over the years, more professional gamers have become interested in this topic. Currently, new techniques have been devised and existing ones perfected.

Blackjack card counting, for a professional, is synonymous with knowing how to play this game. The player counts the cards as the dealer deals them. Counting allows players to deduce which cards are left in the deck. Based on these accounts, he manages to know whether or not he has an advantage and makes decisions for his next moves.

How to count blackjack cards

There are many techniques that will help the player to know how to count cards in the blackjack real money . It is currently difficult to use them. Since most land-based casinos use more than one deck of playing cards in each game round.

In the early days of blackjack, in the 60s and 70s, it was easier because casinos used a single standard deck. Most blackjack card counting systems are based on assigning a value to each card. As long as these are coming out during the game, the player will be doing his calculations. And, depending on the result you get, you will decide how to act regarding betting.

The principle of high and low playing cards, or “High and Low”, is one of the most widely used strategies for counting black jack cards. This part of the idea that the highs favor the player, while the lows are in favor of the casino.

Methods and systems for counting cards

Anyone who has ever played Blackjack knows that the key to winning is keeping track of the cards that have been played. Doing this gives you a great advantage because you know which cards are still in the deck and which ones have already been played.

In the past, card counting was only possible in brick-and-mortar casinos. But with the advent of online Blackjack, there are now several methods and systems that can be used to count cards. Below we will mention some of these popular methods.

Ten-Count System

This is the first card counting system on record. It was developed in the sixties, increasing the popularity of blackjack. He was introduced to the world of casinos by MIT mathematics and physics professor Edward Thorp in his book Beat the Dealer.

Although it has been very popular and productive in its time, this method has lost its validity. This is because it was originally created for blackjack tables where a single deck was used. That is why casinos have increased the number of decks of playing cards that are used. However, it is a technique that beginner players can employ to learn counting.

The Ten-Count is based on counting blackjack cards throughout the game, paying special attention to the value of each one.

This should help players decide when and how much to bet. The more cards worth 10 points remain in the deck, the more favorable the situation would be for the player. On the contrary, if the remaining cards in the deck are lower, the casino would have an advantage. In this case, a low bet should be placed.

The player must apply the value of 1 to the Aces. Cards from 2 to 9 are worth +4 and 10, J, Q and K should be worth -9.

Example: Assuming that the following cards have been dealt during the game: 5, 2, Ace, K, 4, 3, 7, 8, Q and 9. The count would go like this: +4, +4, 1, -9, +4, +4, +4, +4, -9, +4. The number resulting from this sum is +11, which is considered high. This means that the player can place a high bet.

Ace/Five Count

This card counting system is also useful for blackjack players who are newbies. At the beginning of the game, the player must add the number 1 to any card of value 5 that appears. When an Ace comes out, a 1 is subtracted from the sum.

If the final result is 2 or exceeds it, the player will be able to double the amount of his bet. But if it is equal to 1 or less, you should avoid placing high bets.

Example: if during the round the player observes that the following cards come out: Ace, 2, 5, 9, Q, K, 5, 7, 8, Q, Q. The count would be -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0. The sum result is +1, so high bets should be avoided.

High-Low System

It was introduced in 1963 by Harvey Dubner and is based on Thorp's Ten-Count system. It is aimed at both novice and professional players, so it is interesting to learn how to count cards in blackjack with it.

Dubner assigned different values for each card. The cards from 2 to 6 are marked with +1 and are the ones that are known as low. While, the Ace, 10, J, Q and K are assigned the -1 and are called high. Intermediate 7, 8 and 9 are marked with the number 0.

The higher the positive number, at the end of the calculation; the greater the number of high cards left to be dealt. On the other hand, if the figure is negative, most of the cards left in the deck will be low.

Example: In the game round they have dealt 5, 6, 9, Ace, Ace, 7, Q, 10, 3, 2, 2 and K. The sum would go like this +1, +1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1 and -1. The final result will be +1, which means that there are still high cards to be dealt.

Knock Out System

Known as KO, it is similar to the High-Low system explained above. The Aces, 10, J, Q and K have a value of -1, while the cards between 2 to 7 are worth +1. The 8 and 9 correspond to 0. In this counting method it is advised that the player increases his bet when the final result is +2.

Example: The cards that have come out during a game round are: 4, J, K, 9, 7 and 3. So the sum would go: +1, -1, -1, 0, +1 and +1. The final result will be +1.

When to count cards and what is it for

Physical casinos are the place where we can put the counting strategy into practice. It is noteworthy that this method will not work if the casino uses mixing machines. These items shuffle the cards automatically after each game is over.

Regarding how and when to count blackjack cards, you should be clear that you can only do it in real places. Making sure that whoever is shuffling is the dealer.

Another relevant aspect is that you will not become an expert from today to tomorrow. It takes a lot of training to be a good card counter. Before using this strategy in a real game you must be very well prepared. Since counting is something that must be done with utmost discretion.

However, these sites have become very sensitive. No casino likes to invest millions in security and lose money. Therefore, more and more measures are being taken to protect themselves from this tactic; for example, video surveillance systems. The cameras can even recognize the attitude of a suspicious player. In addition, very often at blackjack tables two croupiers sit. One of them concentrates on watching the players.

Betting sites use measures to control card counters. The most common are to play with up to six decks of cards and shuffle the same before each round.

Benefits of card counting

By applying such a strategy the casino's advantage decreases and the player's chances of winning increase. Resorting to counting will help you find out if it is more likely to get one card or another. You still have to be aware that this method will never be 100% safe.

Speaking of odds, counting cards in blackjack offers a 1.5% advantage over the player who does not. We can conclude that counting cards you will have more gains than losses. That's why black jack professionals get their best results thanks to counting.

Is it possible to count blackjack cards in online casinos?

If it comes to virtual casinos it is not at all easy for a card counter. When a round is over, the cards return to the deck and are shuffled, regardless of the number of decks used.

In the online casino the cards from the decks in the deck are mixed at the end of each round of play. That's because these games use software that works the closest thing to mixing machines. In such a way that every card dealt always comes out randomly.

So, it is impossible to count blackjack cards online. Card counting is also not possible in live blackjack games with a real dealer. Since he is obliged to shuffle the deck when half of the cards are dealt.

Card counting systems are not illegal, but they are not well regarded in physical casinos either. These are in their right to expel from the casino any player who puts them into practice. Even these players are banned from entry for life.

This is one more advantage of online games. No one can eject you if you are at home in front of a computer screen. That's why, even if you can't count blackjack cards, take advantage of our list of online casinos to play and test yourself.
